ATTENZIONE: a causa dei recenti attentati terroristici avvenuti a Mumbay, il Live Earth è stato definitivamente annullato.
India is to host a Live Earth concert later this year, featuring stars from the world of music, film and television to raise
funds for solar energy. The event will take place in Mumbai on December 7, Live Earth founder Kevin Wall said,
predicting it would be “one of the biggest events ever produced here and one of the major events on television.”
Wall, who with former US vice-president Al Gore organised a series of concerts on seven continents over 24 hours
on July 7 last year, said the India show would be taken live by more than 100 countries.
A detailed line-up of those involved would be announced in the coming weeks, but the news conference was shown
a video message from US rocker Jon Bon Jovi, who said he would be taking part.
“I can’ t wait to come to Mumbai on December 7,” Jon added.